2023 Slash Collection
For our new residents, slash is the non-firewood part of the tree. Jefferson County homeowners are encouraged to remove any slash from their property to reduce the fuel loads in the event of a wildfire. Every summer Jefferson County (Jeffco) organizes slash drop off locations throughout the foothill communities to make it easy and affordable for residents to protect their property from the threat of wildfire. What is done with the slash? The slash is ground up for compost, so it is important that no trash, metal, rocks, garbage bags, or anything else that can damage the machinery, when mixed in with the slash. What is accepted: Tree debris including pine needles & cones, limbs and branches up to six inches in diameter and up to 8 foot in length. What is not accepted: Stumps, yard waste including grass clippings and leaves, construction materials, metal of any kind and household trash including bags of any kind.What are the costs? The disposal fees are based on a standard size truck bed filled to the top of the cab (8′ x 5′ x 4′ tall). A truck bed/trailer fitting these dimensions equals one load and costs $20 to dispose. If your truck or trailer is larger or is piled higher the appropriate fees will be calculated at the gate. Any size truck or trailer is welcome at Jefferson County Slash Collection sites.
Where are the disposal sites? There are 3 nearby sites this year.
Beaver Ranch Park: 11369 South Foxton Rd, ConiferJune 16, 9:00 AM - June 19, 4:00 PM June 23, 9:00 AM - June 26, 4:00 PM
Settlers Drive Property: 8335 Settlers Drive, Morrison July 28, 9:00 AM - July 31, 4:00 PM August 4, 9:00 AM - August 7, 4:00 PM August 11, 9:00 AM - August 14, 4:00 PM
Marshdale Property: 26624 N Turkey Creek Rd, Evergreen August 18, 9:00 AM - August 21, 4:00 PMAugust 25, 9:00 AM - August 28, 4:00 PM September 1, 9:00 AM -September 4, 4:00 PM
For complete information visit: https://www.jeffco.us/2493/Slash-Collection.