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Public Speaking

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Prepare. The more you know, the more relaxed you will be. No matter how well you know a topic, if your lizard brain signals danger, your knowledge will be replaced by a biological response to protect yourself. Preparation makes a difference.

Break down your topic into talking points and practicing speaking out loud, well before the event.

Record yourself while you are practicing, no matter the size of the audience that you’ll be speaking in front of.

Then, listen to yourself on the recording. You are putting the message in your head. Many people don’t like the sound of their own voices, but the practice helps train your brain.

Managing negative self-talk should become part of the planning, whether for a speaking engagement or just in daily life. It’s not necessary to internalize a barrage of affirmations that might feel inaccessible. Simply replace negative self-talk with the facts.

Keep saying ‘I am prepared’. That goes a long way.

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